
Republicans and Budget Battle

In view of the negotiations and gyrations in the Legislature regarding the dilemma over service cuts versus increased revenue to balance the budget, a simple solution has been overlooked by our leaders in the Assembly and Senate: a statewide garage sale.

The state has many assets which could be converted to cash. For example, one might sell several UC and CSU campuses for industrial parks or housing developments. Since the current trend in public primary and secondary schools is towards larger classes which result in a poorer education, these institutions of higher learning will not be needed in the future. Large sections of state beaches could be sold to real estate developers to construct luxury condominiums. One might also rent out the bulk of the Capitol building for a large shopping mall and carry on state business in just a portion of the building.

This solution is certainly as farsighted as any of those offered by our Legislature to date.


WAYNE TIKKANEN, South Pasadena
