
Republicans and Budget Battle

Why is it that it is always “we, the people” who are penalized for the mismanagement of our government representatives? When will it stop? An additional 1 1/4-cent tax hike (“Senate Passes Sales Tax Hike,” June 17)? How can anyone in his or her right mind expect a mother with two children to pay rent, provide adequate health care, dress and feed her two children on a budget of $696 month? How, in God’s name, then can the Senate even think of cutting AFDC payments to a mother with two children by $31 a month?

If senators are really serious about clearing the $14.3-billion budget deficit, they should start by voting that no government official be allowed to make more than $50,000 a year and cut off the extras such as monthly allowances, chauffeurs, etc. Why should government officials make more than twice (sometimes triple) the salary of the average citizen for whom they are supposed to be working? Enough is enough!

