
COSTA MESA : School Budget to Be Considered

The Newport-Mesa Unified School District board on Tuesday night will consider an $86-million budget for 1991-92 that calls for freezing both hiring and improvements at a savings of more than $2 million.

Although the district stands to gain an additional $4 million in taxes from reassessed properties, a 5.7% salary increase for all district employees and an estimated 10% increase in health and welfare benefits will use up the extra funds.

Assistant Supt. Thomas Godley said the district is delaying a $2.5-million expansion of a computer technology program that would have added teachers, hardware and teacher training programs. Also postponed were plans to computerize library files and link that system with the city library.


The board meeting will be held at 7:35 p.m. at Harper Elementary School, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa.
