
Boycott Versus ‘Buycott’

Tom Blair’s and Bert Enserink’s June 10 letters in response to Robert Foxworth’s June 3 column “Matching Wildmon’s Boycott With a ‘Buycott’ ” attempted to paint the Rev. Donald E. Wildmon as someone who offers “legitimate criticism” of “pornography and sexual aberration.”

Let’s set the record straight. Wildmon is part of a politicized right-wing religious movement: Christian fundamentalism.

Most people are familiar with the attacks fundamentalists have made on controversial works such as the art of Robert Mapplethorpe. Less well known are the attacks by fundamentalists on literature and TV programs of which the vast majority of Americans approve.


Wildmon has gone after such diverse and popular programs as “Kate & Allie,” “Cheers,” “Moonlighting” and “The Wonder Years.” Some literary titles on the fundamentalist hit list: John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath,” Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” and Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”


