
Mixed Reaction to Yearbook Quotes

It’s with great sadness that I write this letter after reading about the suspension of Phillip Fivgas just because he inserted some passages from the Old Testament and the New Testament into the Buena Park Junior High School annual. I believe that the passages were inserted not to influence anyone in any religious manner but to spiritually enrich those who will read the annual.

I believe that as Americans we have the right to be given the opportunity to read or write what we wish to read or write. We live in a democracy that was formed as a “nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” A country whose currency, which is made in a government agency, tells all of us who use the money that “In God We Trust.” A nation in which our President is able to say “God bless you” and/or “God bless America” on national television without being bashed or ridiculed.

