
6 Illegal Homes Found in Night Barrio Sweeps


Six illegal dwellings have been discovered in Santa Clarita’s 12-square-block barrio since the city began an unusual series of nighttime inspections there earlier this month and the program will continue indefinitely, officials said Thursday.

The City Council began the program June 5 to eliminate substandard housing, but two council members said at the time that they also hoped the action would drive out illegal aliens, which drew protests from immigrant-rights groups.

Contrary to concerns raised by those groups, “the reception by the community to our efforts has been very positive,” said Lynn Harris, the city’s planning director. “Two people even came up to the inspector and said they hoped they would see the city out there often. . . . We’ve had cooperation at all 17 locations where we found violations.”


Harris said the city will continue the program because inspectors have not yet surveyed the entire east Newhall neighborhood bounded by Race, Park, Market and Pine streets.

Accompanied by a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy, the inspectors visited the largely Latino neighborhood twice in the past two weeks between 5 and 10:30 p.m., Harris said.

So far, inspectors have cited property owners by mail for 17 city code violations, including six camper shells, sheds and garages being used as illegal dwellings, Harris said. The other violations included abandoned vehicles, people living in cars and a shed outfitted with a toilet.


Three illegal dwellings have already been vacated, and the tenants evicted, Harris said. The city will not provide relocation costs to the displaced residents, city spokeswoman Gail Foy said.

The inspectors found it easier to detect violations at night than during the day, Harris said. They identified sheds used as residences, for instance, by lighted windows, she said.
