
Developers’ Fees

Councilwoman Ruth Galanter has been occupied lately with a very dangerous project, escorting through our city government the development of Playa Vista--a development that would abridge our quality of life and increase traffic in the already congested Westside area.

We have been sold out to developers by the very woman who campaigned four years ago and won on a wave of anti-development and pro-environmental positions.

To rectify the congestion Playa Vista will generate, Maguire Thomas has proposed to build the roads into and out of Playa Vista itself. This would be done in order to avoid paying $68.3 million as required under city transportation law. In other words, they have proposed a quick-fix solution to a problem that will last indefinitely, allowing them to rape this area and leave the people to deal with the traffic congestion and other hazards this project will levy upon the community.


Along with this is the issue of our already tenuous water supply. In our fifth year of drought and subsequent mandatory water rationing, we, as a community cannot allow this new project to overtake our area. We cannot allow new water hookups until we find a solution to our current drought problems. That is, unless Maguire Thomas can make rain as well.


