
Fighting the War of Words

Does Mike Tyson refuse to be tested for AIDS? Did he throw a toaster at Don King and slap King’s face? Does King owe Tyson $7 million? Is Tyson’s “seemingly insatiable” sexual appetite and “indiscriminate lust” more important to the boxer than his June 28 rematch with Razor Ruddock? Is Mike Tyson “a ticking time bomb,” totally out of control?

These and other published assertions and insinuations have totally outraged the former heavyweight champion and his promoter, particularly the charge that Tyson is afraid to take an AIDS test.

Tyson called that “a vicious lie” Tuesday from his training camp in Las Vegas and said that he, as do all professional boxers, undergoes regular blood testing.


King said: “We’re accustomed to various forms of character assassination and defamation, but that’s going overboard. You’re talking here about people getting a disease where there’s no second chance. No fighter can fight in Las Vegas without taking an AIDS test. Mike’s been tested several times.

“That is very dangerous talk. You can play your little games about everything else with your ‘informed sources’ and all, but the part about the AIDS, with everybody out here searching for a cure, Elizabeth Taylor and everybody else, that’s something unconscionable. Now you’re being vindictive, vicious and ruthless.”

Tyson specifically objected to an article in the June 14 editions of USA Today that included the following paragraph:


“The fighter has at least two children out of wedlock. Despite his indiscriminate lust, he’s afraid to take an AIDS test. ‘I don’t want to know,’ he says.”

Tyson denied ever making such a remark.

It also was reported that Tyson is thinking of ending his business relationship with King, that he doesn’t want to fight Ruddock and is inadequately training, that he has terrorized motorists in his 485-horsepower Lamborghini and that, to quote USA Today, Tyson’s “seemingly insatiable lust is well-documented.”

Tyson said he has no plans to rip up his promotional contract with King, particularly since there is no contract to rip up. He and King have a handshake agreement. He also denied hurling a toaster at King and slapping him in public, as the newspaper article quoted unnamed sources as having witnessed.


King took exception to virtually everything.

“I don’t owe him a dime,” the promoter said. “Me and Mike get along famously. He never, ever threw anything at me and he’s never struck me. This is another case of wishful thinking. Where they get this stuff, I’ll never know. Our relationship could not be better, but people keep hoping they can get Mike Tyson to defect, to self-destruct or to lose. Well, he won’t do any of the three.”

There was a reference in the newspaper article to Tyson terrorizing taxi drivers “as his raging libido roars through town in the guise of his black, $225,000, 485-horsepower Lamborghini Diablo in search of female conquests.”

(Aside from the many other inaccuracies, King spokesman John Solberg said: “As long as you’re going to go that far, you might as well get the price right. The car cost $450,000.”)

King knew not what to make of the notion of a libido driving around town. But regarding the alleged search of conquests, King said:

“Don’t forget, Mike Tyson’s only 24 years old. What did you do when you were 24? Everything he does is magnified because of the stature and profile the man has. They act like he’s supposed to be a saint. This is a kid. This is a young boy.

“And I’m happy to say that I’m glad he likes women, because they were also trying to start the ugly rumor about the homosexuality.”


At a prefight news conference opposite Ruddock, whom Tyson defeated in March by technical knockout, the former champion, who is divorced from actress Robin Givens, astounded onlookers by needling Ruddock with such taunts as, “I’m going to make you my girlfriend” and references to kissing him on the lips.

Tyson said he was simply trying to use psychology by making outrageous statements that would get under his opponent’s skin.

He has been training seriously for the second Ruddock fight, Tyson insisted, and was offended by suggestions that he has spent too much time partying in Los Angeles.

King added: “Mike went to L.A. for a Laker basketball game. Big deal. Julio Cesar Chavez has a record of 75-0, but when he wanted to watch Fernando Valenzuela pitching against Teddy Higuera, he went. Who cares?”

Tyson and King say others are attempting to bully them into fighting heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield, whose manager, Dan Duva, recently made a “purse bid” estimated at $50 million to promote the International Boxing Federation title fight. The whole procedure was bogus, King claimed.

“This is a farce, a complete farce,” King said. “They’re perpetrating a fraud on the public, trying to force me to go into partnership with them. Mike wrote a letter to the IBF informing them that we do not recognize their authority. Duva got all the guys to give him a fake bid, because the Duvas own the IBF, lock, stock and barrel. This guy has lost all his decency, his credibility and his integrity. It’s all for sale, and he’s been paid for.”


The chances of a bout between Tyson and George Foreman in the fall, King said, become more likely with each passing week, if no other arrangements between his camp and Holyfield’s can be made.

“What do they need us for?” King asked, sarcastically. “They’ve got the so-called champion of the world. We’re not bothering them.”
