
Let’s Not Skirt the Issue of Dress Codes at Clubs

The story on Esther Williams’ treatment at the Los Angeles Country Club opened an old wound for me (“Esther Williams: Suiting Up Again,” June 10).

In 1976, I was an account executive for a public relations firm and had organized a luncheon at the LACC, where one of our clients was a member. When I arrived wearing an ultra-conservative Neiman Marcus pants-and-jacket suit, I was turned away. Fortunately, I lived nearby in Beverly Hills and could dash home and change.

I was outraged, although I conformed, and became even more angry when the management permitted my boss--a man, of course--to sit at the luncheon in his tennis shorts and T-shirt.


I always seethe a bit when I drive by the LACC, remembering what a wimp I was. I wouldn’t change clothes for them or anybody else today. I hope Esther Williams collects a lot of damages.

JERI TURPIN, Mission Viejo
