
Story About Boy and Lizard Made Their Skin Crawl

The shocking lack of concern for student safety displayed by this bus driver is appalling. Leaving a second-grader to find his own way through unfamiliar territory to a school 1 1/2 miles away was unconscionable! Only the fact that two older students escorted him may have averted a tragedy.

Even worse was the reaction from Robert Cornelius, assistant superintendent of business services for the Saddleback Valley Unified School District. “I don’t see what’s so newsworthy about this particular incident” was his cavalier response.

By definition, news is primarily made up of unusual events. Does this man really believe that it is commonplace for a school bus driver to deposit three children on the street 1 1/2 miles from school to find the rest of their way alone? If so, the Saddleback school district has difficulties beyond belief.


This attitude underscores the unfortunate fact that most of our school districts are top heavy with administrators who are so wrapped up in their own petty jobs that they have lost sight of the primary mission of education. The only reason our schools are in existence is to protect and educate our children!

BENNETT LEWIS, Capistrano Beach
