
Nuclear Power

If Southern California Edison cuts its carbon dioxide emissions by 20% over the next 20 years (editorial, June 2), it will still be the leading atmospheric polluter in Los Angeles County. A 20% reduction won’t make a difference. It will take an 80% reduction in emissions before Edison is brought in line with other local industries.

Yet Edison, whose fossil-fuel-powered generating stations are the worst polluters in Southern California, also owns and operates the San Onofre nuclear-powered generating station, whose emissions are the cleanest.

The only way that Southern California Edison and Southern California can keep our air clean is by replacing fossil fuels with nuclear power. No, not another water-cooled reactor like the one in San Onofre--the San Onofre facility was obsolete before its construction was complete. But a new, state-of-the-art, ultra-safe, ultra-sufficient nuclear power station.



Huntington Beach
