

“The Capital of Hip,” by Jill Stewart (April 28), was much too glib.

Ten years ago, when Santa Monicans for Renters Rights (SMRR) won a majority on the City Council, we were told that our city would turn into a seedy, seaside slum and that business would abandon the city.

The evidence is clear that just the opposite has happened. In fact, as a result of the policies promulgated by SMRR-elected government, our city has prospered while maintaining its diversity. Because we have stood firm to protect rent control, we have been able to provide secure housing for our low-, moderate- and middle-income residents.

I know that our toilet-rebate program is not as exciting to write about as Dennis Hopper and his baby, but it is the model for similar programs to cut domestic-water consumption throughout California. Our social services programs for seniors, youth, families with child-care needs and the homeless set an example for other cities.


We have the most open politics of any city in Southern California. At a time when voter apathy nationwide is increasing, our elections routinely boast voter turnout that is 10% to 20% above the statewide average.

It is true that success has brought us new challenges. But we can--and we will--build a Santa Monica that is on the cutting edge environmentally and that can be celebrated for its diversity beyond the year 2000.



Santa Monica
