U.S. Auto Makers
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Regarding “Big Three Claim Toyota, Mazda Dump Vans,” front page, June 1:
Why can the Japanese afford to charge 30% less for their mini-vans than Ford, GM and Chrysler? Maybe because of the Big Three executive salaries (seven digits) that keep going up while worker benefits go down and Big Three losses have never been higher. C’mon, boys, if Detroit thinks the way to stop the Japanese from “dumping” low-price vans on the U.S. is to force the Japanese to raise their prices, then maybe it’s time to find executives who’ll work for less and won’t cry “foul” when others perform better than they do.
As an American, I have always bought American. But with the sour-grapes attitude of Detroit, I’m rethinking my reasons. If the “Big Three” don’t care enough about American consumers to bring their prices down to match the Japanese, then maybe American-made vehicles don’t deserve our support.