Religion and Sexuality
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In both the Old and New Testaments, homosexuality is judged a sin by God. It is described as an activity of those who have exchanged the truth for a lie and like other sins, without repentance and faith in Christ, it is an impenetrable barrier to inheriting the kingdom of heaven.
So then how can a clergyman claim to “take the Bible seriously” and yet reject its explicit teaching in this area? How can Cromey claim allegiance to Jesus and yet imply that the sinless son of the living God was a sexual deviate? What he is doing is straight out of the liberal handbook. His goal is to separate the name Jesus Christ from its scriptural or true historical definition. Once emptied of any rational content the name can then be conveniently used to give a spiritual aura and emotional impact to any social engineering or “new” morality agenda even though it contradicts the teaching of Christ.