
CSUN Gets Failing Grade on Debts

On the heels of so much bad news about the state’s budget woes and the cuts proposed for education, I was astonished to read “Dormitory Debts Soar to $2.8 Million” by Sam Enriquez.

How could one of our highly touted institutions of learning have such inadequate--no, uncaring--control?

Do they teach business majors to function in this manner? Boy, are we in trouble.

Is the attention all being given to attaining increased NCAA status at the expense of job responsibilities?


I find it totally unacceptable, as Elliot Mininberg, CSUN’s vice president of administration was quoted as saying, “to have $500,000 collected and write off the rest.”

Every one of these people should be tagged as debtors of the state. Not only should records be frozen, but wage garnishments, liens and whatever is necessary should be implemented to effect recovery, with interest.

As much as collecting these sums is important, even more is the message to be given that this type of blatant theft and irresponsibility will not be tolerated by the people of California--the ones who pay these bills, not Mininberg.


