
R.P.V. Resident Urges Recall of Bacharach

I want the R.P.V. City Council to know that there are many citizens who are not happy with the “build more and bigger development” philosophy at City Hall. I am alarmed at the rapid rate of development with its problems of traffic and noise. And why in heaven’s name do we need helicopters at the new hotel? While I am busy trying to conserve water, the R.P.V. City Council group of three, Hinchliffe, Hughes and Bacharach, are busy trying to waste water on a hotel, golf courses and multiple new housing tracts.

The recall of Jacki Bacharach from the R.P.V. City Council would be a first step toward changing the pro-development course. A new low-density council member could vote with McTaggart and Ryan to keep development down.

I urge all R.P.V. citizens to sign the “Recall Bacharach” petition.

BETH GOOTENBERG, Rancho Palos Verdes
