
Computer Wipeout Erases Phone Service at the Zoo

The San Diego Zoo’s telephone system broke down early Friday when an AT&T; repair crew mistakenly erased several complicated computer programs, zoo spokeswoman Georgeanne Irvine said.

Crews had restored basic service by Friday afternoon, Irvine said, but the full system won’t be operational for at least a week.

Callers initially were unable to reach any zoo departments. Crews eventually reconnected the main switchboard, but operators were unable to transfer calls, Irvine said. Some callers heard a taped message that explained the computer glitch. But others heard a recording that said service to the zoo’s main number had been disconnected.


AT&T; was “supposed to shut down the system to upgrade the software” early Friday morning. Irvine said. “But something happened, and three years of programming was wiped out,” Irvine said. “They think it won’t be restored totally for about a week.”

Irvine said care for zoo animals was not affected by the telephone outage because zoo personnel remained in contact with each other through a radio system. However, the outage disconnected telephones that link the zoo to emergency services. Those telephones are used if keepers or visitors are injured.
