
WEEKEND TV : Homecoming Parade for Troops

For those who can’t get enough of high-flying stealth bombers, high-tech tanks or the high-profile girth of Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, C-SPAN will televise live the nation’s official Persian Gulf War homecoming parade in Washington today at 11 a.m. About 8,800 of the troops that participated in the war will march down a 2.5-mile parade route alongside tanks, artillery pieces, fighter jets and missiles.

KCET Channel 28 will present several programs of note this weekend, including the debut at 9 a.m. Sunday of “Heritage,” a new public affairs series that examines the cultural and political values of Latinos today.

As part of the station’s pledge drive both today and Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., KCET will also repeat the 10-part series “Bradshaw on Homecoming,” which explores John Bradshaw’s theories about how unresolved childhood needs cause psychological pain in adults,


And for a break from summer reruns, the acclaimed 1977 miniseries “I, Claudius,” starring Derek Jacobi and John Hurt, begins on PBS Sunday at 8 p.m. (50)(24), 9 p.m. (28)(15).

At 10 p.m. on Channels 2 and 8, Sharon Gless returns as part of CBS’ revamped summer lineup in “The Trials of Rosie O’Neill.”
