
MOORPARK : Council Petitioned on School Crossing

A petition signed by 100 residents charges that Moorpark’s attempt to improve the safety of a school crossing has resulted in even greater danger to the children.

At Wednesday night’s City Council meeting, parent Cathy Clevinger presented the petition demanding that the city make safety changes at the intersection of Los Angeles Avenue and Spring Road.

The crossing used by students at Flory elementary and Chaparral middle schools was moved in mid-April from a location two blocks north at the corner of Spring and Roberts roads.


Director of Public Works Ken Gilbert said the city changed the crossing after years of discussing alternatives with Caltrans because the old location had no signs or lights to halt traffic on Spring Road. But he agrees with Clevinger and the other petitioners that the high number of cars turning right on a red light from both Spring Road and Los Angeles Avenue endangers children.

Clevinger maintains that the former crossing was safer because the crossing guard could control traffic by going into the street. Cars at Los Angeles and Spring often move too fast to heed the guard, she said. In addition, because the new crossing requires many students to walk several long blocks out of their way, they jaywalk instead, crossing guard Barry Tharp said.

City officials said they will work with Caltrans to devise improvements at the new site, such as caution signs for drivers, that can be put in place quickly.
