
Capistrano Valley Students Offer Theories on Evolution-Creation Flap

<i> The following letters were written by Capistrano Valley High School students</i>

Peloza uses circular reasoning to defend his claim that evolution is not supported by scientific facts. His mind is set; he will never “see the light.”

The simple, widely known truth is that scientific, factual evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the theory of evolution. There is not a major university anywhere in the world that rejects the theory of evolution.

Which theory is right or wrong is, however, beside the point. The point is that Peloza is teaching creation, something that the Constitution forbids him to do.


He is undermining student support for the theory of evolution, which is the single unifying theory of biology. He refuses to stop doing so, and that alone is grounds for termination of his contract.

If a “higher moral authority” is “calling him to duty,” he does not belong at a publicly funded high school.

JON TOUMANIAN, Class of 1991
