
FILLMORE : Residents Can Help School Chief Search

Fillmore Unified School District officials, who are searching for a new superintendent, have asked residents to help set the standard for evaluating candidates.

On Monday, residents may give their suggestions to Doris Hammer, an adviser with the California School Board Assn., who will help the district find a replacement for Marlene Davis. Appointments may be made with Hammer at 524-0280 for sessions between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. in the district office at 627 Sespe Ave.

Davis resigned last week after four years as superintendent of the five-school district. She will head the 8,800-student Southfield Public School District near Detroit.


Dick Richardson, chairman of the school board, said that three of the board’s five members worked with Hammer four years ago when Davis was hired. Hammer will meet with trustees this weekend to discuss strategies for filling the position, which pays $75,000 a year.

Richardson said it is unlikely that a new superintendent will be hired before school begins in August.

Residents unable to meet with Hammer may send their recommendations to her at the California School Board office, P.O. Box 1660, West Sacramento, Calif., 95691.
