
OXNARD : School Closing Said to Be OK for Area

The board of the Oxnard Elementary School District moved forward Wednesday in its effort to cut its 1991-92 budget deficit by declaring that the closure of Ramona School will have no adverse impact on the environment.

The environmental impact report was prepared by LSH Associates Inc. Because of a state funding crisis, the district is facing $2.75 million in budget cuts for the 1991-92 school year.

The district will save $750,000 by changing school boundaries and closing Ramona School, located in the heart of La Colonia area.


The 52-year-old school will be replaced by Ritchen School, scheduled to open in August, 1992.

Ramona’s 674 students will be transferred to other schools until Ritchen is completed.

The board also approved a change in the district’s integration plan after a study determined that none of the district’s schools are in danger of being segregated.

Juanita, Bernice Curren and Sierra Linda schools will become neighborhood schools for grades K-6 as part of a plan to change attendance boundaries for 10 elementary schools in the district.
