
Jane Pisano Named to Position at USC

Jane G. Pisano, president since 1986 of the 2000 Partnership, a Los Angeles civic organization, has been named dean of the School of Public Administration at USC, effective Sept. 1.

Pisano was director of Olympic programs for the Times Mirror Co. from 1983 to 1986 and executive director of the Los Angeles 200 Committee, which was the official organizing corporation for the year-long Los Angeles Bicentennial commemoration in 1982.

As president of the 2000 Partnership, Pisano has supervised a civic effort to prepare a strategic plan for Los Angeles and subsequently supervised the development of policy recommendations in “L.A. 2000: A City for the Future.” Pisano replaces Ross Clayton, who has served as dean since 1982. Clayton will continue as a professor of public administration at USC.
