
IRVINE : 3 UCI Students Win Grad Scholarships

Three UC Irvine students have been named to receive Medellas scholarships for outstanding students in dentistry, law and medicine.

Thien Vu and Suzanne Pak, biological science majors, and Jonady Hom, a social ecology major, will each receive $1,300 in scholarship funds toward their graduate degrees.

The scholarship fund was created by Medellas, the only Pan-Asian women’s organization in Orange County. The name is short for the “Medical, Dental and Legal Ladies Society,” which was founded in 1967 to preserve Asian heritage and sponsor philanthropic activities.


The scholarship endowment has now reached $85,800, a university spokeswoman said.

Medellas President Annie Chu said the group hopes to increase the endowment fund in the next few years so it can fund five $1,500 scholarships each year.
