
MOORPARK : 2nd Round of Bids OKd to Build School

The Moorpark school board will advertise a second time for construction bids for the new $1.3-million Community High School.

The first bids came in more than a month ago about $250,000 more than the district can afford, Lyle Richardson, district director of facilities and transportation, told the board Tuesday night.

“The outside won’t be so fancy,” Richardson said. “We’ll use asphalt instead of brickwork and we’ll drop the ceiling.”


With the change in certain architectural details and the moving of cabinets from the current facility at the old Moorpark Memorial High School on Casey Road, Richardson said he hopes that the bids come in within the $1.3 million allotted for the school.

Trustees also hope that the school’s location in an industrial park in the eastern section of the city will help students find jobs. Several large corporations, such as Litton Aero Products Division and Kavlico Corp., are nearby.

Community High School is an alternative high school. About 60 students who have had difficulty at the regular high school or who need to catch up on graduation credits attend the school.
