
Hollywood Parade

We would like to thank Johnny Grant and everyone involved with the Desert Storm Welcome Home Parade in Hollywood on May 19.

When our U.S. Vietnam Veterans of Southern California banners came into view, the roar of cheering from both sides of the parade route was deafening, and reached a crescendo when the crowd saw the Viet vets following behind the banners.

To all who saluted us with your cheers, all the Vietnam vet groups in the parade return your salute with our heartfelt thanks. It was a day we’ve been waiting 20 years for, and a day we’ll never forget.


This parade was a giant step forward in healing the old wounds that threatened to consume and have consumed many Vietnam vets. It was a pleasure to be led by Gen. William Westmoreland again, and also to have an opportunity to meet vets from the Gulf and other wars.


U.S. Vietnam Veterans of Southern California
