
VENTURA : Canines to Compete in Frisbee Challenge

The Come N’ Get It Canine Frisbee Championship will be the first event of the summer sponsored by Ventura’s Parks and Recreation Department.

The June 8 competition at San Buenaventura State Beach is the first step on the road to the world finals in Washington, D.C., where the winner will walk away with $1,000.

The event, one of 100 being held nationwide, is open to all dogs that can catch a flying disc. There is no entry fee, and on-site registration, limited to the first 35 applicants, starts at 9 p.m.


Participants are eligible for the regionals, held in Pasadena July 20. The regional winner will receive a trip to the world finals Sept. 28.

The parks department offers a free 44-page brochure with more information about the canine competition and other special events, such as the Ventura/Santa Barbara Corporate Challenge and the Special Olympics Torch Run. The brochure will be available June 3 from local libraries, retail outlets and City Hall, 501 Poli St., Room 226.

For more information call 658-4726.
