
Holiday Deaths, Arrests Decrease

The California Highway Patrol reported Tuesday that there were fewer deaths and drunken-driving arrests over this Memorial Day weekend than in the 1990 holiday.

Four people were killed in traffic accidents countywide during the Memorial Day weekend, which began at 6 p.m. Friday and ended at 6 a.m. Tuesday, CHP spokesman John Marinez said. Seven motorists died last year over the holiday.

Traffic fatalities dropped overall throughout the state, with 17 deaths this year, against to 27 in 1990, Marinez said.


Locally, the CHP made 154 drunk-driving arrests this holiday, a decline from the 207 during the corresponding holiday period last year, Marinez said. It was the lowest number of DUI arrests in San Diego County on Memorial Day weekend since 1983, when there were 137 arrests.

Statewide, the CHP made 1,478 DUI-related arrests as opposed to 1,731 last year, he said.
