
PASS THE SUNSCREEN: The Memorial Day weekend...

PASS THE SUNSCREEN: The Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of the beach-going season, but crowds do not always go hand in hand with holidays, above. And a simple hot day any time during the year can fill the sand with people. . . . The exception last year was Saturday, June 24. “It was only 63 degrees that day, but we estimated a crowd of 110,000,” said Newport Beach lifeguard Eric Bauer. “Something made the people skittish to bring them all out to the beach like that.”

Beach Attendance 1990 estimated beach attendance, with temperatures, in Newport Beach for the following holidays: Memorial day: 8,000 Temperature: 62 Fourth of July: 120,000 Temperature: 70 Labor Day: 110,000 Temperature: 73.5 Source: Newport Beach Lifeguard Station
