
Childhood in America

Ten years ago I wrote a paper titled, “Anti-Child Society.” Since then conditions for children in America have become tragically worse. I applaud The Times for its articles and your editorial (“Our Children’s Fate Is Our Nation’s Future,” May 17), which focused on the perilous fate of our children. Our country’s indifference to children is criminal.

As a single parent, I do object to the blanket indictment of single-parent families. Although it is challenging to successfully manage as a single parent, it is by no means a prophecy for family failure. There are many “intact” or traditional families plagued by substance abuse, child abuse, neglect and poverty. Conversely, I know of many single-parent families that are producing healthy, contributing children.

Hopefully, our emphasis will be to encourage informed, committed parenting--whether single parent, foster, adoptive parent or intact families.


JAN YOUNG, Hawthorne
