
Verdicts in 2 Police Cases

A jury awarded Michael Zinzun $3.83 million based on wrongful release of police files by Los Angeles Assistant Police Chief Robert Vernon to benefit Zinzun’s opponent in a Pasadena election (May 11).

This case could have been settled for $450,000. A settlement had indeed been worked out between Zinzun’s lawyer and the city’s attorneys. The settlement was hammered out by a knowledgeable and experienced settlement judge, Robert T. Weil. Weil is a former member of the Police Commission. The settlement was blown out of the water just before the trial began by the posturing and irresponsible statements of a few City Council members.

Just think how many additional and badly needed good police officers could be hired with $3.83 million.


JUDGE JERRY PACHT (ret.), Superior Court, Los Angeles
