
Musician Zsuzsa Heiligenberg Dies

Del Mar resident Zsuzsa Heiligenberg, concert pianist and a promoter of young, talented musicians, has died. She was 50.

Heiligenberg, who died of cancer last Saturday, was a native of Hungary, were she studied at the Franz Liszt Academy of Budapest. She also attended the Musikakademie in Munich under the direction of the wife of Paul Hindemith, the German neoclassical composer, conductor and violinist.

During Heiligenberg’s 19 years as a resident of the San Diego area, she often gave classical music concerts but will be remembered most in the musical community for helping promising musicians in their development, said Csilla Heiligenberg, her daughter.


Zsuzsa Heiligenberg, who was a private music instructor, often brought the musicians to her home for performances in preparation for major competitions or recitals, said Sheri Ritchlin, a family friend.

The recitals helped the students and exposed the community to the talent of budding performers, Ritchlin said.

Family members are planning a memorial concert expected to take place at Mandeville Center at UCSD, Csilla Heiligenberg said.


The date of the concert has not been set, but concert proceeds will go to the a scholarship fund for music students, Ritchlin said.

Besides her daughter Csilla, Heiligenberg is survived by her husband, Walter Heiligenberg of Del Mar; a daughter, Sandy of Del Mar, and a son, Gabor of San Diego.
