
Innocent Punished

Two unrelated events corroborate an unwanted and dangerous trend in our society. Legislation was introduced (but retracted later) to close the Aliso Creek rest area to prevent unlicensed vendors, illegal aliens and potential criminals from using the area for their activities. The San Diego City Council wanted to prohibit the drinking of beer on beaches and in public parks in order to prevent public drunkenness and rowdiness.

Both actions by our representatives show, however, that they intend to punish the law-abiding citizens from using the very public land the taxpayers have paid for and are entitled to use. The innocent are punished, because the government is obviously not able or willing to protect our society. The answer of our politicians: fence off public land, impose a curfew.

Need another example? The park in front of Horton Plaza. Instead of preventing the criminal activities that are going on day and night, the park is being redesigned--at our expense--to make it less usable by criminals.


Where will all this end? As it becomes more dangerous to walk a street at night, do we have to stay at home after dark? Are we to use only designated areas, because certain parts of our city or county are too dangerous? Do we have to hire private security to walk our streets, although, supposedly, one of the highest priorities of any government should be the protection of its citizens?

We, the people, want basic services from our government for our tax money, not the imposition of curfews.

