
Port District Rents

The proposal by the San Diego Unified Port District to increase rent fees for bayfront businesses by an average of 32% (but as high as 96%) isn’t a very good idea. This proposal needs a lot more studying from an employment point of view. Shouldn’t we be interested and concerned about jobs?

The proposal increases the Chesapeake Fish Co.’s lease to $9,764--nearly double the current rate. Nassco, which already pays $2,217,191 would be charged $3,642,519, a 64% increase.

Chesapeake, a seafood processor that employs members of our union, would be serverely squeezed. Nassco, which competes for business with firms from Mississippi and Louisiana, would be put at great disadvantage.


Can we afford to lose employers, either big or small?

I urge the port commissioners to reject this proposal and help preserve business so they can prosper and continue to create jobs for San Diegans.

THOMAS J. VANDEVELD, President, United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 135
