
City Proud of Latino Heritage

As I read “South County’s Cinco de Mayo Festival--A Cultural Fiasco” (Letters, May 19), it became apparent that the writer, Steve Gonzales of Mission Viejo, was referring to the Street Dance and Merchants Block Party that took place in San Juan Capistrano two Sundays ago (coincidentally on the 5th of May).

This particular event was not billed as a Cinco de Mayo event, nor was it intended as a cultural event. This function was scheduled as a means for the merchants of downtown San Juan Capistrano to get together for fun, fellowship and dancing to country music and to share with the residents and visitors some of their goods.

I guarantee that not one of us merchants ever dreamed that we were doing something wrong. I would be willing to bet that the same merchants and guests were in attendance at the real San Juan Capistrano “Cinco de Mayo” festivities held in the area of the tennis courts adjacent to our beautiful mission church and the library on Saturday, May 4. This event was sponsored by the San Juan Capistrano Community Services Department, Mission San Juan Capistrano, the schools, service clubs, cultural and Hispanic groups, etc.


Had Mr. Gonzales checked at the library or called the Chamber of Commerce or City Hall, he would have learned that our city has a very proud Latino heritage and celebrates it con mucho gusto regularly (not only on Cinco de Mayo). I regret that Mr. Gonzales’ visit to our little village has left him with a dim view of our cultural integrity. I only hope that he will visit again and check at the library, City Hall or Chamber of Commerce for the schedule of events. I guarantee that he will be pleasantly surprised to find a multitude of cultural activities taking place almost weekly.

MIKE DARNOLD, San Juan Capistrano
