
A No Vote for One Institution and a Yes Vote for Another One

Why does Sheriff (Brad) Gates think the voters of Orange County will change their minds by November and approve a sales tax designated for jails? The same Times that announced the 3-1 defeat of Measure J also noted the layoffs of 37 educators in Santa Ana.

Add these to a growing list of unemployed or reassigned guidance counselors, music teachers, librarians and speech therapists in Orange County--thanks to slashes in education funding. Why should I vote to increase my taxes to house criminals, when our schools do not have the funds to adequately provide for our children?

The defeat of Measure J had nothing to do with NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard) as claimed by Sheriff Gates. It has everything to do with taxpayer frustration. We approve propositions and lotteries designed to fund education, but those funds are funneled into other programs.


The message to lawmakers statewide is: Do not ask us to approve further taxes until you demonstrate sound fiscal management of current tax funds.

