
SUMMER SPLASH III : How Would You Spend a Perfect Summer Day?

Compiled by Kathleen Kelleher and Shauna Snow

John Epperson, Lypsinka, of “I Could Go On Lip-Synching.”

I’d probably sleep all morning. If I’m performing the night before I’m usually just exhausted afterward so I want to sleep. And then in the afternoon, I’d do what everyone else does--go shopping. At Book Soup, Tower Records, the normal places. The sun doesn’t like me, that’s why I don’t go to the beach. (But) it would be nice to go swimming in a pool, because you can get back to the shade pretty quickly. And then dinner and a movie with friends. No work, all play and spending money.

Yo Yo, rapper and founding member of the Intelligent Black Woman’s Coalition

I’d probably get up and put on some cut-off shorts. Call all my friends I grew up with and members of IBWC and invite them over to go swimming in my pool and then probably barbecue, hang out, play some partying music. Then drive out somewhere. And then I’d probably go home to change clothes and then we’d probably meet back up with our dates at the beach and pull up to the shoreline at the Marina and then get out maybe and build a fire and hang out all night partying on the beach with a whole gang of people. Hang out all night.

Cybill Shepherd, actress

I would watch my birds at the feeder and have my morning coffee. Then I like to work out and swim with my children. Sometimes I like to ride my bike to Topanga Canyon or to the beach. Then cook outside, very primitive. Just really relaxing together.


But that’s real different than summer on the Tennessee River in Alabama. I’d get up and go fishing just as the sun is rising and catch me some catfish and get somebody to clean ‘em and fry ‘em up with some green tomatoes and have breakfast. And then go water skiing all day. I spend my summers there where my grandmother has a house. When I talk about my ideal summer, it isn’t about California.

Gronk, artist and set designer

I usually spend a calm time in my (downtown) loft. I’ve got a nice courtyard outside, and I go out there and drink lemonade in the afternoons. It’s nice, because I’m right in the middle of the city, but I can’t see any buildings because it’s all blocked off. Mostly in the day I just relax and stay in. I wait until after dark to go out. Then I like to go out and do something cool; you can usually find me somewhere like a movie house.

Laddie John Dill, artist

I know what a perfect day is and the whole key to it is no phones, no mail and no people. That’s why I like Sundays. I like to get up early and go to the studio and work until about 10 o’clock. Then I like to spend some time with my daughter (Ariel, 14). She’s into horses, so I sometimes take her to a horse show and just watch her for a while. Then it’s back to the studio in the early afternoon, then maybe back to the house for a while to read, and in the evening, maybe a play or something.
