
WELL . . .

Thanks to The Times’ Book Review, it was not necesary for me to buy Kitty Kelley’s book in order to read a biased, mean-spirited and scurrilous attack on Nancy Reagan. It was right there in the two “reviews” printed by The Times.

Robert Sherrill writes for Nation magazine, a radical-left publication whose editorial policy is best characterized by Alexander Cockburn’s writing, which occasionally appears in The Times . . .

Sidney Blumenthal, who wrote the other Reagan-bashing article about a Reagan-bashing book, is an editor of the New Republic, a very liberal but more balanced magazine. He is, nonetheless, a political enemy of Reagan and Bush and a biased writer.


Why could The Times not find one old Reagan hand to comment on one of these books? The reviews belonged on the editorial page, not the book section . . .

The facts are that Reagan is a major figure with a tremendous and beneficial impact on the last 30 years of our history, and all the Democrats’ and The Times’ ankle biting will not change that.

