
Hussein Tells Iraqi Reporters to Write Whatever They Like

<i> Reuters</i>

President Saddam Hussein has told Iraqi journalists to write what they like, and he promised to take the blame for any mistakes they might make, an Iraqi newspaper said Friday.

“Write what you like. If you get it right, you take the credit. If you get it wrong, I’ll take the blame,” he told a five-hour meeting of journalists, writers and intellectuals Tuesday.

Al Thawra, the newspaper of the ruling Arab Baath Socialist Party, gave the first account of the meeting in a front-page editorial.


“This is the Saddam Hussein we know and respect and love, in whose leadership we believe and of which we are proud,” said the newspaper’s editor. “Because he has all the qualities of the unique leader and the great man. . . . Our absolute confidence in his leadership can be equal to his absolute confidence in what we write.”

As part of a mild liberalization, Iraqi newspapers have been carrying some criticism of shortages and high prices.
