
Thousand Oaks : Sons of Norway to Pay Tribute to Pair

Members of the Sons of Norway, Norseman 91 Lodge of Thousand Oaks, will pay tribute to two deceased members today at a tree planting ceremony set for 10:30 a.m. at Spring Meadow Park.

The two trees will be dedicated to Nick Olsen and Dagny Brookes.

Olsen was born in Thousand Oaks in 1907 and was a member of the founding family of the community. He died in October, 1989. Brookes was a 22-year resident of Thousand Oaks. She was born in the United States but moved to Norway as a child. She died last month.

The park, located on Olsen Road east of Cal Lutheran University, was dedicated several years ago to the early Norwegians who settled the area. “We thought it would be a good place to plant the trees in their memory,” said Joey Nelson, lodge spokesman.


A picnic is planned for lodge members and their families after the tree planting.
