
Cheers for Helmet Law

The California State Firefighters’ Assn. and I applaud Assemblyman Richard E. Floyd (D-Carson), Gov. Pete Wilson and the various organizations who never gave up on the motorcycle helmet bill: It was too long in coming.

As a firefighter/paramedic, I have witnessed too many serious injuries and deaths among motorcyclists that could have been prevented had the riders been wearing helmets. As a longtime proponent of a mandatory motorcycle helmet law, these needless injuries increased my frustration with our inability to get this law passed. Yet they strengthened my resolve to push ahead and help make it a reality.

We, the members of the California State Firefighters’ Assn., look forward to a reduced number of injuries to motorcycle riders and will focus our energies on other important issues that affect public health and safety.



Southern Director

California State Firefighters’ Assn.

Huntington Beach
