
U.S. Budget Priorities

I am shocked that our government is giving any consideration whatsoever to the demands of the state of Israel that the American taxpayers fund the relocation of Russian nationals to the occupied territories.

As our Secretary of State recently testified before Congress, the establishment of settlements in the occupied territories constitutes the main impediment to Middle East peace negotiations and conflicts directly with American foreign policy and pronouncements of the United Nations.

Moreover, we live in times in which school districts are declaring bankruptcy; trauma centers are closing; federal funds are sorely required to fuel research into such deadly diseases as AIDS, cancer and muscular dystrophy; our deficit is out of control; national child-care and medical insurance policies are practically non-existent, and young families are dreadfully in need of rent subsidies and other assistance to keep their children fed and keep themselves from becoming part of our shameful homeless problem.


If our leaders can spend billions of dollars to reinstall the Emir of Kuwait and his undemocratic regime, and can consider spending a like amount to house foreign nationals on foreign soil, why does our government refuse to fund programs that would benefit its own citizens? It’s about time we all demand an explanation.


