
BASEBALL DAILY REPORT : DODGERS : Hershiser Could Pitch for Dodgers Next Week

If Orel Hershiser pitches well tonight for double-A San Antonio and still feels good Saturday, the path has been cleared for him to start against the Houston Astros Wednesday night at Dodger Stadium, team sources said.

Ramon Martinez, scheduled to pitch Wednesday, would instead face the Cincinnati Reds Thursday. Kevin Gross, scheduled to pitch Thursday, would be sent to the bullpen.

Hershiser has to be able to throw at least 90 pitches against Shreveport, then make a strong recovery this weekend.


“We honestly don’t know what will happen, but we have taken this very slow, and we are confident everything will go well,” therapist Pat Screnar said.

Hershiser will return to Los Angeles after tonight’s start and go through his normal workout this weekend before making a decision. If he does not feel 100%, he will schedule another rehabilitation start for next week and hope to begin his season in St. Louis during a three-game series June 4-6.

Hershiser has not faced major league hitters since April 25, 1990, against the Cardinals in Los Angeles.
