
Toddler Saved From Yard Pool


A 16-month-old toddler was in good condition Thursday night after his mother found him floating face down in a back-yard fishpond and revived him with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, police said.

The toddler’s parents, whom police did not identify, told officers that the boy had been in the pond for three to five minutes and was not breathing when his mother found him at 12:50 p.m., Police Lt. Dale Herzog said.

The infant and his parents, all from Bellflower, were visiting relatives in Fountain Valley, police said.


After the child regained consciousness, he was taken to Humana Hospital-Huntington Beach and then transferred to Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Bellflower, where he was reported in good condition Thursday night, Herzog said.

The child’s near-drowning Thursday marked the second time in the county this month that an infant was found in a pool. Stanton’s Ariel Nicole Moon, 18 months, died May 9 after falling into a pool at a licensed home day-care center the day before.

Long before this month’s accidents, the county’s annual warm-weather “drowning season” had already begun, health officials said.


Experts on drownings say Southern California has a regular drowning season, starting in March and continuing through the warm-weather months.
