
San Diego

San Diego City College employees will go to a four-day work week during the summer academic session to reduce an estimated $6.5-million budget shortfall facing the three-campus Community College District.

The downtown campus will be closed every Friday from June 14 through Aug. 9, except for classes in nursing, cosmetology, court reporting and a few science labs. All other classes and student services, including the library, admissions, counseling and financial aid offices, will be closed on Fridays.

Permanent employees will work 10-hour days, Monday through Thursday. The college will save about $30,000 by not paying other part-time staff members on Fridays and through reduced utility costs.


The Community College District, which also includes Mesa and Miramar colleges, already has a hiring and purchasing freeze. At least 400 classes are expected to be cut from fall 1991 schedules at the three campuses, and other cuts are expected as the state’s bleak budget picture--a $14-billion shortage--becomes clearer next month.
