
Road Project Opponents Pin Hopes on Garter Snake

Opponents of a $14-million road project in the eastern San Gabriel Valley and San Bernardino County hope garter snakes may thwart plans for widening a commuter-clogged highway.

In a suit filed this month, a homeowner group cited the presence of the olive-brown, two-striped garter snake as one reason the state Department of Transportation should undertake more detailed environmental studies on the proposal for California 30 in La Verne, Claremont and Upland.

“There needs to be an (environmental) impact report from the animals’ viewpoint,” said George Keeler, a member of the Community Assn. for a Responsible Environment.


But Caltrans officials and other project advocates say the snake argument is bogus. “This garter snake thing blows me away,” said Tony Malone of the Upland Chamber of Commerce.
