
Supreme Being and Tragedies

Leo Newman (letter, May 16) stated that, in a world filled with the likes of Bangladesh disasters, Saddam Husseins, AIDS, cancer and other terrible fates, how can anyone believe in an all-powerful, benevolent Supreme Being. If everyone followed the basic tenets of virtually all Supreme Being-inspired texts--love they neighbor, don’t be driven by power and greed, etc., perhaps many tragedies could be avoided.

Saddam Hussein and the like wouldn’t exist, our $300 billion “defense” budget (as well as every other nations’ defense budgets) could go toward helping people via AIDS and cancer research, and we could help the people of Bangladesh and other starving people learn to live in their harsh environments. Plus the corporations and its executives earning millions of dollars yearly could be adding to the monetary aid instead of buying their second and third homes while the homeless toil in the streets. But as long as people forgo living in a God-like manner, these tragedies will always exist.


