
Sewer Route ‘Witless’

Your May 2 story, “Sewer Project: Not a Pipe Dream but a Nightmare,” was informative and well written. The story was appalling enough from the standpoint of neighborhood discomfort, but a look at the map accompanying it provided another horror.

The sewer line, in a piece of engineering stupidity, goes directly under the airport central area . This will make it difficult to route a subway under LAX to reduce ground-access congestion. Where was the Department of Airports when this sewer line was proposed? Nobody home?

The sewer line is necessary without question, but the witless direction was not. The line could have been routed around LAX to the east or west so that airport planners could retain a Metro Rail subway option.


Chicago, Atlanta, London, Paris and other cities use subways, moving sidewalks and baggage carts to ease entry of air passengers to their planes. We not only resist passenger convenience, but now we throw a sewer into the package! Ruth Galanter, where are you?


Los Angeles

Falick is a former planning economist for the city of Los Angeles .
