
High Life : A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : Whose Family Ties Are the Closest to Reality?

Responses gathered by Justin Chan (Capistrano Valley), Janet Bester (Connelly), Jean Paik (Kennedy), Felice Wu (Ocean View), Betsy Burbridge (Orange), Lani Kent (Sonora) and Michael Chen (Valencia).

In the days of BC TV (before color television), when parents turned the dial for advice on rearing their children, they saw such wholesome family role models as the Andersons, the Cleavers and the Nelsons. Hot Topics wonders, “What television situation comedy most accurately depicts family life today?”

“ ‘Married . . . With Children’ captures many of today’s family situations, or maybe it’s just my family.” Kamyar Kashfi, 17, senior, Valencia

“ ‘Life Goes On,’ because it has a teen-ager with Down’s syndrome and real problems, and it solves the problems the way that you would in a real family.” Laura Carlson, 15, freshman, Kennedy

“Growing Pains,’ because it’s realistic. It’s a functional, middle-class family.” Marilyn Schmaus, 18, senior, Orange


“ ‘Beverly Hills 90210’ because it presents real problems in a teen-ager’s life, like pregnancy and premarital sex. It also presents parties like they really are--not too wild, but not with punch and cookies, either.” Marsha Montemayor, 18, senior, Connelly

“ ‘The Cosby Show’ is very realistic because the parents are always there for their children, and they care about each other in a very loving way.” Yvonne Gilon, 14, freshman, Capistrano Valley

“ ‘The Simpsons,’ except in our family the roles are reversed: I’m Bart and my baby brother is Maggie, or better yet, Lisa. I just hope he doesn’t pull out a saxophone.” Felicia Alexander, 17, senior, Valencia


“ ‘Roseanne,’ because it’s more realistic with the sibling rivalry. My parents compare my attitudes to Darlene’s on a regular basis, and the situations on the show are ones that everyone can relate to.” Lori Burtch, 17, senior, Kennedy

“None. When was the last time you saw an Asian on TV?” Lance Uradomo, 18, senior, Ocean View

“ ‘Family Ties,’ because it shows how loving a family can be, even though everyone’s going crazy and stuff.” Joe Youkahn, 17, senior, Kennedy


“The Bundys (“Married . . . With Children”) because today’s life is sex, drugs and alcohol.” Jeff Lightfoot, 15, freshman, Orange

“ ‘Family Ties’ or ‘The Wonder Years’ are closest to typical family life. However, not many shows deal with real problems like divorce, alcoholism, etc. . . The perfect show would probably be a balance between ‘The Cosby Show,’ ‘Married . . . With Children’ and soap operas.” Afshan Ali, 18, senior, Capistrano Valley

“ ‘Growing Pains,’ because everybody has someone like Mike Seaver in their family.” Cathy Collier, 16, sophomore, Sonora

“ ‘Married . . . With Children’ because people in general tend to be rebellious. Kids don’t respect or obey their parents because their parents are bad examples.” Erik Baldwin, 18, senior, Ocean View

“The Simpsons,’ because they mess around and have the usual problems around the house.” Adrian Perez, 15, sophomore, Orange

Next Week’s Hot Topic: What’s the greatest sacrifice you’ve ever made for another person?
