
* Code Breakers: Decorum took a holiday...

Compiled by YEMI TOURE

* Code Breakers: Decorum took a holiday recently when three congressmen showed up in the House of Representatives. Protocol calls for male House members to wear a coat and tie, but Reps. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), James Bilbray (D-Nev.) and Tom McMillen (D-Md.) rushed into the House in tennis togs from a tennis match when Republicans unexpectedly called for a vote. House Speaker Tom Foley (D-Wash.) allowed the exception to the dress code.

* Battle Lost: Suzanne Cooke has lost a battle with her ex-husband, sports mogul Jack Kent Cooke. A Virginia court Tuesday upheld a settlement giving her $29,000 a year in support for the couple’s 3-year-old daughter, Jacqueline. Cooke had argued that she should receive $110,000 a year.

* Future Talk: Oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau launched an international petition drive in Paris Wednesday to support a “Declaration of Rights for Future Generations.” Cousteau said he hopes “to influence policy-makers” to slow ecological damage to the Earth.


* Bearing Up: Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf has a bear of a reputation, so the Indianapolis City-County Council named a Kodiak bear at the local zoo “General H. Norman Schwarzkopf,” just in time for the general’s weekend visit to the Indianapolis 500.
